Ernesto Sabato

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co agency of Ernesto Sabato.

Ernesto Sabato is a novelist, essayist, physicist, and a painter. He earned a PhD in Physics from La Plata National University, in Buenos Aires. He worked in atomic radiations at the Curie Institute, in France, and as a Physics professor, until he was forced to quit due to political differences.

From 1945 to the moment he passed away, Sabato worked exclusively in literature, he wrote three novels and many essays where he reflects on the human condition, writing as a vocation, or the socio-cultural issues of the 20th century, which got him public recognition as one of the most relevant Argentinian writers of the century.



Throughout his impressive career as an author, Sabato has received numerous awards. In addition to being the second Argentinian to obtain the Miguel de Cervantes Award, he was granted a Jerusalem Award, a Méndez Pelayo Award and a Gabriel Mistal Award, among many other prizes.

His works have been recognized as some of the most relevant Hispanic literature texts of the 20th century and have been translated to over 35 languages. Sabato remains in public memory as a reference in the grounds of philosophy and human rights.


What the critics have said:

“Buenos Aires has given the world three great authors: Borges, Cortázar and Sabato, the great visionaries.” Le Magazine Litteraire

“A powerful and unforgettable man.” Time