Andrea Tovar

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of Andrea Tovar.

Andrea Tovar is a writer, columnist, screenwriter and content creator. She studied Law at both the University of Murcia and the Autonomous University of Madrid in Spain. She has also finished two Master’s Degrees in Access to the Legal Profession and Governance and Human Rights. However, her passion had always been writing; she has written within the LGBTQ and Feminism columns of newspapers such and La Verdad (a local newspaper in Murcia, Spain), where she writes in a blog called ¨Dear Millennial¨. She also collaborates with literary and cultural magazines such as Relatos Sin Contrato, where she has her own blog and for where she analyzes and reviews movies and shows, among other things. She is currently a writer and content creator for several companies and is a proofreader of poetry books and scripts. She has been mentioned in various magazines like Tales Literary and Madera Berlin.



Andrea Tovar was a finalist at the Short Story Competition at UNED. She also won first prize at the Short Story Competition at Camargo, first prize at the Certamen Municipal de Creación Artistica CreaMurcia in the literature category, and was within the finalists among 899 participants for the Café Madrid Award.


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