Pablo Dávila Castañeda

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of  Pablo Dávila Castañeda.

Pablo Dávila, graduated in Audiovisual Communication, Arts and Graphics for advertising; he has been working on creativity and communication for cinema.

He has been a guest professor at the Cinema School of Barcelona, in the International Cinema School of Cuba and at the University of La Coruña. He also collaborates as a columnist in the website Gràffica Info, and has attended several courses on creative writing and design.

He started his career in the international sales department in the production company Lola Films. After working in the marketing and sales departments of in different companies in the industry, he created his own studio of creative services. Ever since then, he has created the promotional image for multiple projects, for professionals as Juan José Campanella, Gracia Querejeta, José Luis Cuerda, Carlos Saura, Francis Ford Coppola, Albacete y Menkes or Almudena Grandes, among others.

He has done consultant tasks for the Junta de Andalucía and the Xunta de Galicia, in internationalizing processes and promotion of the audiovisual sector.



He created the artwork and graphics for the brand Audiovisual from Spain. His first novel, Happy to help, published by MueveTuLengua, has been highly acclaimed by the audience and the critics.

He has worked in multiple movies and TV series, working in different phases of production, always linked to design.


What the critics have said:

«Reading this book is like watching a comedy (…) The success of this novel is due to its naturality as it is a story that could be yours or your neighbors‘ » El Caos literario, about Happy to help.