Soccer, a written passion.
“Closed for Soccer” was the sign encountered by anyone visiting the renowned Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano during any World Cup. Galeano had been in love with the sport since he was a child, but his natural clumsiness prevented him from pursuing it as an athlete. This didn’t stop Galeano from giving his all in front of the TV with a beer in hand, ending each match with a sore body and a hoarse voice as if he were another player. “Closed for Soccer” compiles all the texts Galeano wrote about this sport, some of them unpublished. It traces the history of soccer from its early days, when players were paid with cows, to the present day, where footballers are major stars, closely followed by the press and the general public as they become global celebrities. The work also delves into myths such as Maradona, one of the greatest players in history who fell into addiction.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: “Closed for Soccer” is an essay that dissects this important sport as only Galeano could. Eduardo Galeano is one of the most influential authors in Latin America and one of the foremost exponents of sports journalism, particularly soccer. Throughout his life, he was a prolific author and journalist who wrote many highly regarded articles and essays on this sport.
Galeano is a prestigious, multi-award-winning Uruguayan writer, holding both national and international accolades such as the Manuel Vázquez Montalbán Award, the American Book Award, the Alba de las Letras Award, the Stig Dagerman Prize, and the Uruguay Ministry of Culture Award. His works have been translated into more than twenty languages.
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.
AVAILABLE LANGUAGES: Spanish, Portuguese, Italian.

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