Never say never… because you never know.
Sixteen-year-old Sára does not enjoy her school and is failing her accounting class. She’d like to be a hair and makeup artist, but her parents don’t see that as a profitable profession.
She knows they would not approve of her biker boyfriend and his friends, so she keeps that part of her life a secret.
Her summer plans included staying with her best friend Niky and a motorcycle trip. But they are swiftly blown away when her parents unexpectedly arrive at the wild end-of-school-year party, finding her and her friends very drunk. She will now have to work at an accounting firm in Lhota, where her grandmother lives, and can’t return home until she successfully retakes her exam. Sara is floored but stays defiant.
Her summer disappointment changes when she bumps into clever Matěj at the accounting firm, which happens to be his mother’s firm. Matěj’s mom won’t be happy about them hanging out. She knows Sara’s mom and has heard about her and she’d rather Matěj get back to his ex- “perfect” Hana.
Same Hana that ends up with lollipops and pastries all over her dress thanks to Sára’s clumsiness at the store.
Despite everything, Sára bonds with Matěj. They start spending time together at the swimming pool, picking blueberries in the forest, by the fire, and experience various adventures.
Both his mom and Hana, who is trying to win Matěj back, will interfere with them as much as they can. Matěj’s Mom is dead set on making Sára’s life at her firm as miserable as possible, and Matěj does not stand up for her when his mother calls her “a flunk”. All culminates with Sára been unjustly fired.
With a broken heart, Sára needs to retake her accounting exam and explain to her parents her job dismissal. She seems hopeless until she sees Matěj come to support her.
She does her best, convinces the committee of teachers, headed by the feared accounting teacher, Pučmeloud, and advances to the next year.
Matěj and she stay together, and their love continues even after the summer.
RELEVANT DATA: A heartwarming romance that will make you feel good and uplifted. Romance is central to the story, but there is also an engaging plot with a lot of humour.
Petra Martišková is a renowned Czech contemporary author who has published over 25 books for kids and teenagers. Her books for teenage girls are bestsellers. She creates trailers for her books with thousands of views on YouTube and has thousands of followers on social media.
What the critics and readers have said:
“A summer story about one resit exam, escapes, mistakes, love and betrayal. It’s about new beginnings, old friendships, hope, faith, and passion. […] Readable, funny, and romantic. […] A relaxing holiday story, full of laughter, the heat of the summer, music, and girl’s dreams. I like to return to such stories. So: never say never… because you never know.” Databazeknih
“This is a highly readable book that stands out from many romance novels by weaving and gradually revealing the story in an engaging and interesting manner […].” Cbdb
“Readable and engaging, this story feels like part of everyday life. I am totally satisfied and it’s definitely one of my favorites! […] Every romantic should read it.” Databazeknih
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.

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