An exhilarating trip to one of the darkest political moments in Colombia.
In the year 2014, Carlos Carballo is arrested for attempting the robbery of the suit of trying to steal from a museum the suit of Jorge Eliécer Gaitán (political leader murdered in Bogotá in 1948) from a museum. Carballo is a tormented man who is searching for signs to help him unravel the mysteries of a past that obsesses him. But no one, not even his closest friends, suspects the deepest reasons for his obsession.
What connects the murders of Jorge Eliécer Gaitán -whose death marked a before and an after in Colombian history- and of John F. Kennedy? How can a crime that was committed in 1914 by liberal senator Rafael Uribe mark the life of a man in the 21st century? For Carballo, everything is linked, and coincidences do not exist. After a coincidental encounter with this man, Juan Gabriel Vásquez sees himself forced to penetrate the secrets of someone else’s life, while he faces the darkest times of the Colombian political past.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: Juan Gabriel Vásquez is one of the most prominent Colombian writers, who is also a journalist and a translator. His novels have been a tremendous success, being published in 28 different languages. He has been awarded with internationally prestigious awards, such as the Premio Alfaguara de Novela, the Premio Literario Internacional IMPAC de Dublín, the Premio Real Academia Española, the Premio Casa de América Latina de Lisboa and the Premio Roger Caillois.
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film TV Movie.
AVAILABLE LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, Polish, Greek, Romanian, Dutch, Portuguese, Arabic, German, Russian, Italian, Persian, Norwegian, French, Hungarian.

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