Jesús Diamantino

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of Jesús Diamantino.

Jesús Diamantino, a Chilean university professor and literary critic, has been acknowledged as one of the foremost theorists and academics in the field of horror in his country. He currently serves as the director and a professor in the Department of Expression at the Faculty of Liberal Arts at the Adolfo Ibáñez University. His research interests include the didactics of writing, as well as the fantastic and horror as aesthetic manifestations in literature, film, and television.

Since 2015, he has been a member of the Group for the Study of the Fantastic (GEF) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. In this role, he has participated as a speaker and collaborator in various editions of the Visions of the Fantastic Congress and served as the coordinator for the monograph “The Fantastic Universe of H. P. Lovecraft” in the prestigious academic journal Brumal.



Drawing upon references such as Stephen King and H.P. Lovecraft, Jesús Diamantino constructs in his debut novel, Los que susurran bajo la tierra (Those Who Whisper Beneath the Ground), an emotionally resonant horror narrative reminiscent of the productions of Mike Flanagan, such as Midnight Mass.

Such has been his impact in Chile that both critics and readers have hailed him as a new benchmark in Chilean horror literature.