Luis Cerezo

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of Luis Cerezo.

Luis Cerezo is musician, filmmaker and writer born in Barcelona that has dedicated the most part of his life to the making of stories. He graduated in the Massana School of Arts and Crafts and learned classical music at the Barcelona Lyceum.
After years totally dedicated to music, Cerezo decided to give it up and start a career in interpretation, founding Bloc Visual, a group of companies linked to communication.

Inspired by the digital cinema revolution, he sold his investments in the company aiming to produce his first experimental feature film: N@ufragos (i.e. shipwrecked people).

He also founded Cinelibre, an alternative production platform inspired in the guerrilla filmmaking, and wrote a manifesto in which he vindicated the solo authorship of scriptwriting, direction, photography, music and montage. Following these guidelines, he managed to film three low-budget movies. These, along with his documentary work, have been released in several international film festivals, such as Montreal, Bogota, Toulouse, Warsaw, Shanghai and the prestigious Documenta Madrid.



In his literary career, Eo is worth mentioning. This is the story of a little kid who does not fit within the rest of humans, and finds comfort next to an elephant who escaped from a circus. This is a novel about friendship and the dichotomy between the life of children and that of adults. Booktrailer in:
In his works, no matter its style, Cerezo always includes strong moral and educational values that allow them to be adequate for any sort of audience.