Jordi Galcerán

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of Jordi Galcerán.

Jordi Galcerán is a Spanish playwright, screenwriter and translator. He studied Catalan Studies at the Universidad de Barcelona. His first comedies, directed by himself, were staged in the amateur circuits, but he soon started to gain recognition.

Galcerán has also translated and adapted several plays.  Apart from his dramatic activity, he has also worked as a screenwriter in several TV series and six feature films.



Jordi Galcerán has been awarded with the X Premio Born de Teatro and the Premio Ignasi Iglésias del Institut del Teatre de la Diputación de Barcelona. 

His work El crédito has been performed in the Teatro Maravillas de Madrid, with renowned Spanish actors like Luis Merlo and Carlos Hipólito (2013), and Antonio Pagudo and Vicente Romero (2017). The play has been staged in Miami, Mexico and Argentina. El crédito won the Primer Torneo de Dramaturgia Catalana. 

Jordi Galcerán is also the author of Burundanga, a play that is still being performed, breaking records four years after its first night in the Teatro Lara de Madrid.