Diana de Paz

 Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of Editabundo Literary Agency.

Diana de Paz is an emerging Spanish writer, and has spent her entire life surrounded by writing. She studied English Philology at the Autonomous University of Madrid and completed Santillana’s Master’s Degree in Publishing at the Complutense University in Madrid. She is currently an editorial assistant at Los Libros de la Catarata.



Her first novel, Nothing Less Than Max (Nada menos que Max), deals with issues such as transsexuality and feminism. Reviews claim that it is a realistic reflection on these complex contemporary issues, and makes the reader reflect not only on these issues, but also on themselves.


What the critics have said:

“I recommend reading it to those who are open to reflection and getting to know imperfect characters and stories. To Diana, thank you for a book that is so complicated, deep, heartfelt and brimming with love, friendship and humanity.” Goodreads

“Diana de Paz will be one of the authors I look to when I go book shopping. […] for helping me reflect and evolve.” HolaEBook (literary blog)