Federico García Lorca

Scenic Rights is the exclusive audiovisual co-agency of Casanovas & Lynch literary agency.

Federico García Lorca, is and will be forever be an unforgettable literary legend: poet, playwright, prose writer and genius. He has been regarded as one of the greatest Spanish writers and playwrights of all time. He studied Philosophy and Literature with Law at the University of Granada. From a young age, he was one of the outstanding members of the Generation of the year 27 within the cultural and intellectual hotbed that was the Student Residence of Madrid, where he met film director Luis Buñuel or the most avant-garde artist of the moment, Salvador Dalí, among others. All critics and scholars agree that, if he had not been shot during the Spanish civil war, he would have been awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.



Federico García Lorca’s literary work has been translated into more than ten languages and his work as a writer has been recognized with innumerable awards: Prize of Literary Criticism Award, National Literature Award of Cuba, Prize of Literary Criticism for his essays, National Prize of Cultural Research, Ibero-American Award for Poetry Pablo Neruda, Queen Sofia Aeard for Ibero-American Poetry. His work has been valued with the distinctions of the Order Alejo Carpentier, Order Félix Varela, a Medal at the 30 anniversary of the Academy of Sciences of Cuba, the Medal Fernando Ortiz, the Distinction for National Culture, and the Distinction Raúl Gómez García among others. On six occasions his plays and his own life have been taken to the big screen by very important national and international film and television’s directors.