Ignacio Martínez de Pisón

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of MB Literary Agency.

Ignacio Martínez de Pisón is an acclaimed author and screenwriter, as a member of the Academy of Motion Picture and Cinematographic Sciences of Spain. He graduated in Hispanic Philology at the University of Zaragoza and in 1982, upon finishing this degree, he studied Italian Philology in Barcelona; the city in which he has resided since then.

He is the author of more than a dozen fiction books, most of them translated into several languages.

He has been a long-time collaborator on articles and literary critiques in both Abc and El País newspapers. He also participates regularly on La Vanguardia since 2015.



He has been awarded with more than fifteen prestigious literature awards such as the Narrative National Award, the Torrente Ballester Award, the Dulce Chacón Award, the Castilian Narrative Critics Award, the Letras Aragonesas Award, and was a finalist for the European Book of the Year Award, among others.

His work as a screenwriter also stands out. He worked on the adaptation of his book Secondary Roads (Carreteras secundarias), which was nominated for a Goya Award in the best-adapted screenplay category. This work was then translated to French and brought to the big screen by Manuel Poirier. Additionally, he also worked with Emilio Martínez Lázaro on the script Thirteen Roses (Las trece rosas) (also nominated for a Goya Award for best original script) and is also the co-author, together with Fernando Trueba of the animated movie script Chico & Rita. This was co-directed by Javier Mariscal, Fernando Trueba and Tono Errando. His latest works include the award-winning television adaptation of his novel Tomorrow (El día de mañana), which premier don Movistar Plus and was directed by Mariano Barroso.