Javier Cercas

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of El Grupo Planeta Publishing House.

Javier Cercas is a consolidated and well-known Spanish author and translator. He also works as a columnist for the newspaper El País and taught university level Philology for many years.

His writing is characterized by the use of the testimonial novel, in which truth and fictitious facts intertwine, with no clear boundaries between the two. Some of the most prestigious authors, like Mario Vargas Llosa, J.M. Coetzee, Doris Lessing, Susan Sontag and George Steiner, have tremendously praised his works.



Javier Cercas’ novels have been translated to more than 30 languages and have received some of the most prestigious acknowledgements both nationally and internationally. Among his awards are the Planeta Award, the Cálamo Award, the Salambó Narrative Award, and the National Narrative Award. 

Apart from this, Cercas has also received various accolades for his essays and journalistic endeavors, along with recognitions for his career as a whole, like the Ulysse Award in France, the Internazionale del Salone del Libro di Torino Award, the Friuladria Award, and Internazionale Città di Vigevano Award, and the Sicilia Award.