Laura Gomara

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of Asterisc Agents.

Laura Gomara was born in Barcelona and holds a degree in Classical Philology. Throughout her career, she has worked with publishing agencies as a reader, translator, writer’s assistant, and in the production and communication of works. Moreover, she has served as an associate professor of creative writing at Pompeu Fabra University and the University of Barcelona. She has written for media such as Quimera, Libros y Literatura, and The Huffington Post, and her stories have been published in various anthologies like Los Bárbaros and Sed de mal. With her first novel, published by Roca Editorial, Gomara captivated the critics and was a finalist for the L’H Confidencial Award 2016. With her second novel, En la sangre, Laura has established herself as one of the most unique voices in the noir genre.



With her first novel, Gomara, she was a finalist for the L’H Confidencial Award and has been nominated for the Silverio Cañada Memorial Award for the best first noir novel, the VI Pata Negra Novel Award, the Black Mountain Bossòst Award, the award for the best novel in Spanish at the Cubelles Noir festival, and the Tuber Melanosporum at the Morella Negra Festival. Furthermore, Laura has been invited to numerous noir novel festivals, among which the Semana Negra de Gijón and Barcelona stand out.


What the critics say:

“Laura Gomara fulfills in this wonderful second novel what she promised us in the first: darker, more distressing, a journey to the abyss of a character that could be you.” – Elia Barceló

“Finally, a noir novel with a leading female character who breaks the mold.” – Gemma Lienas.

“A breath of fresh air. Original, entertaining, enjoyable, and devilishly well written.” – Jordi Garcia Carafí, Cultura i vida.