Louis Slobodkin

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of Louis Slobodkin.

Louis Slobodkin was an American sculptor, writer and illustrator, specialized in children’s literature. He studied Beaux-Arts in the Institute of Design of New York. When he was ten years old, he started sculpting, which became his job during years, until he illustrated a children’s book in 1941. It was the beginning of his career as an illustrator, and later on, as a writer.

He wrote and illustrated the saga The Space Ship under the Apple Tree and collaborated with his wife, also an author of children’s books, in five different novels. The wonderful stories of the couple were often inspired by trips they took together around the world. Slobodkin illustrated over eighty novels and wrote more than half of them.

The series The Space Ship under the Apple Tree was a complete success during the 50´s and 60´s, considered a North American children’s literature classic. Despite having been published decades ago, the works of Slobodkin still travel around the world provoking the same enthusiasm.



Slobodkin received the Caldecott Medal, an award given annually by the Library Service to Children Association. He also received the Newbery Honor Book, one of the most prestigious awards in North American children literature.

His work has been translated and edited in many countries such as Germany, Japan, Taiwan, Romania, China, South Korea and Colombia, etc.