María Monrabal Pacheco

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of SalmaiaLit literary agency.

María Monrabal is an emerging Spanish writer. She graduated from CEU Cardenal Herrera University with a degree in Public Relations, Advertising and Communication. She has worked in communication departments creating online content and digital marketing, as well as promoting and organizing events. She has also worked for McCann Worldgroup and at El Laboratorio Company as a copywriter. Currently, she works at Maart+Partners advertising agency as a content creator.



Her first novel, If Princesses Had Used Tinder (Si las princesas hubieran usado Tinder) deals with current issues such as: the use of social networks, feminism, female empowerment, sexual diversity, and how difficult it is to be successful in the job market as a “millenial”. The reviews and critiques assure that it´s a realistic reflection of what love is like for today´s young generation.


The critics have said:

“María Monrabal’s writing seemed familiar to me, with a colloquial, realistic language that helps the reader connect with the story very well, especially with the small entries by Paula (the protagonist of the novel). She expresses her thoughts in small notes that usually appear at the end of some chapters as a reflection of what has been happening in her life. These make you reflect on different aspects of her life and, in general, any young person´s life.” Érase un libro (literary blog)