Mercedes Rosende

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co agency of Ampi Margini. 

As a prominent writer, Mercedes is recognized for carving a unique path in the literary landscape, captivating readers with her insightful exploration of human emotions, social issues, and historical contexts, in addition to being a lawyer and journalist.
Rosende’s works have evolved from thriller to whodunit, characterized by black humor and a break with the norms of the genre.



Rosende’s contributions to Uruguayan and Latin American literature have been widely recognized. She has received numerous awards, including the National Literature Award, the Municipal Narrative Award and the LiBeraturpreis. His work has been translated into several languages ​​and continues to resonate with readers around the world.

Her captivating narratives, insightful characters, and unwavering commitment to social justice have earned her a place among the most respected contemporary writers.