Patricia Santos Marcantonio

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of Arte Público Press.

Patricia Santos was born in a family of writers, where she acquired her interest for writing and for telling of stories of her own.

She graduated in Science with a specialization in Mass Communication from the University of Southern Colorado (now the Colorado State University-Pueblo).

Apart from working in literature, Santos has managed to work in the audiovisual field, as she has written several scripts.



Santos is an author that has won numerous awards not only for her professional career as a journalist, but also for her literary repertoire. Some of them are the Anne Izard Storyteller’s Choice Award and the Americas Award for Children’s and Young Adult Literature. Her book Veredict in the Desert was one of the Latina Book Club Books of the Year. She was also in Amazon’s list of Latino children’s books best sellers. 

Her scripts have been recognized by MORE Women in Film, Screenwriting Expo 5, Women in Film las Vegas, The Phoenix Film Festival Contest, Reel Women of the West, Idaho Writers Guild and Cinestory. 

Patricia Santos Marcantonio is a member of the Dramatists Guild of America and Idaho Writers Guild.