All for the Homeland (Todo por la patria)

The disappearance of a soccer player who broke the country.

Buenos Aires, 1933. Crisis peaks, hopelessness spread, soccer comes to the rescue. But the most expensive and most famous soccer player of his time, Bernabé Ferreyra, has just disappeared. The press speculates that he has gone back to his home town to demand more money from River Plate, his soccer club. Andrés Rivarola, known by everyone as “the kid”, is a bohemian tango choreographer. Andrés, who has no job, no income but is friends with the player’s cocaine dealer, so he decides to set out to find the whereabouts of Bernabe and hopefully convince him to return and save the country. Meanwhile, in a small hotel in Barrio Norte, a murder has taken place… one that could be a huge scandal if it were to come to light.

In a city haunted by fascists, meat, poverty and literature, Andrés takes advantage of this situation and tries his luck.  He searches everywhere, although unsuccessfully, but that doesn´t stop him. He wanders the Recoleta, the Matadero, Palermo´s racetrack, the Plaza Hotel, Richmond´s confectionary, the Police station, the critical newspapers, the tenements and the literary cafes: all this whilst attempting to write his tangos.

During his peculiar investigation, he falls in love with stunning Raquel “the Russian” read head. She is known as a woman who gets around, but who doesn’t get involved. She is woed by a timid and clumsy poet named Jorge Luis Borges. “The kid” Rivarola, and his inspiring muse, both of whom are involved in a scandalous murder case (one that will explode in the press), wander through the unknown world of Buenos Aires in the 30s in their investigation.


RELEVANT DATA: Martín Caparrós is an internationally renowned Argentian writer. He has over 20 published works, 12 of them novels, various short stories and essays, and chronicles that have situated the author as one of the most successful figures in narrative journalism of his time.

His work has been internationally recognized in many occasions and has since been compensated with many awards. He has been awarded the Periodismo Rey de España Award, Novela Herralde Award, the Guggenheim scholarship, the Konex Award, the Planeta Latinoamérica Award, the Letterario Internazionale Tiziano Terzani Award, the Maria Moors Cabot Award, and the Nacional de Periodismo Miguel Delibes Award, among many others.

All for the Homeland is the first book of the saga, propagandized by a peculiar detective named Andrés Rivarola. This book made it to the best seller´s list in just days after being published. The sequel is soon to hit bookstores, just as the author is already working on the third part.


What the critics have said:

«Caparrós is an expert, blessed with a unique style of writing.» Der Spiegel

«An exquisite observer, a hunter that travels to write and writes to understand; a writer that has reinvented the traditional journalism chronicle, making it even larger, more ambitious and – at last – be up to par with a novel.» Gastón García, Letras Libres

«Martín Caparrós is a classic, the only thing is that nobody knows it yet. Caparrós is, at this day and age, the most important narrative journalism writer: our very own Capote or Kapuscinski.» Jorge Fernández Díaz, La Nación


AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.

LANGUAGES AVAILABLE: Spanish, German, French, Italian.

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