That feeling of knowing when something is so wrong, but it makes you feel so good.
Mackenzie is a teenager who wants to get away from her family as soon as possible, and she has every reason to want to do so. She lives completely dominated by her mother, Carolina, a shrewish woman who took advantage of her husband’s imprisonment to take over the leadership of her biker club and her illegal business. Although Mackenzie has a great love for motorcycles, she wants nothing to do with those shady activities and she’s looking forward to starting college so she can leave home with her friend Arizona.
Carolina forces McKenzie to get close to and fall in love with Jakob, son of Chief Tanner, a cop she wants to involve in her shady business affairs and from whom she wants revenge for some grudges from the past.
Jakob has aggressive outbursts due to his complicated past, and the only thing that calms him down are motorcycles and boxing, his two great hobbies. Still, he is a guy with good initiative, who boxes to get money for college and to be able to start his own business. Mackenzie and Jakob have such an instant connection that it doesn’t take long for them to fall madly in love.
Their relationship is put in jeopardy when family plots get in the way, and Mackenzie is forced to fight for her love and her future, trying to keep Jakob from getting involved.
REVELANT INFORMATION: Alissa Brontë is a Spanish author of romance, youth, and fantasy literature who has published several bestsellers and has obtained Honorable Mention for the Kiwi Romance Award.
She was amongst the best-selling authors on Amazon under the pseudonym of María Válnez with her first novels, and is considered one of the most promising authors of romantic literature.
The author has announced that there will be a second book that continues the story of Bad Romance, but focusing on Mackenzie’s friend: Arizona.
What readers are saying:
“[…] The plot completely grabs you; the reading goes in crescendo, the more you know, the more you want to know and it is impossible to separate yourself from this story. Mainly because at all times all you want to know is if Mackenzie will be able to follow her mother’s rules, or on the contrary, she will rebel by accepting the consequences.” Literary Blog Review between Metaphors Duna Alba
“The narration has been very lighthearted and addictive. Because you’re dying to know what’s going to happen with Mackenzie and Jakob. […] the author surprises us with the ending and develops it very well, solving main plots and linking them with secondary ones that seemed to not be as important at the time.” Modus Leyendi Blog Review
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.

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