The last executioner (El último verdugo)

He can’t stop killing and you won’t be able to look away.

A series of brutal murders baffle the police. The bodies bear a strange mark on the nape, and alongside them, an enigmatic message always appears: SOMEONE HAS TO DO IT.

Although it seems impossible, a serial killer is executing his victims with a garrote vil, the same instrument used by executioners centuries ago and considered the most cruel killing machine ever built.

Why resort to such a macabre method? What do the dead have in common? Why choose special places in Barcelona to abandon the bodies?

When Dr. Lena Mayoral, a prestigious criminologist with a turbulent past, is urgently tasked with delving into the mind of the psychopath, she cannot imagine the complexity the investigation will assume or the dangers she will face.

The case becomes increasingly complex, as the investigation of the deceased reveals a series of hidden stories of violence and abuse. As the number of bodies increases, and under growing media pressure, Lena becomes obsessed with a killer who, increasingly, seems to be playing a life-or-death game with her.


RELEVANT INFORMATION: With remarkable mastery in the handling of timing and narrative tension, the renowned crime novelist, Toni Hill, constructs in The Last Executioner a universe of voices, characters, and relationships that constantly surprise the viewer, through a plot in which victims, suspects, and investigators vie for leadership constantly. With excellent ratings across multiple platforms, Toni Hill’s new novel pleases audiences just as his successful past works have, which have been translated into multiple languages and published in more than twenty countries. Acclaimed by critics and readers alike, he has been awarded the Novelpol Prize, the Tormo Negro-Masfarné Prize, and the award for Best Crime Novel by the digital magazine Llegir en cas d’incendi. Readers have said:

“Fascinating novel. Agile, intriguing, with well-crafted subplots, effectively constructed twists, competent characters, both main and secondary… I loved how Toni Hill writes: accurate and brilliant. Reading his book has done me a lot of good. Now, to handle the subsidiary emptiness left by the echo of a well-told story.” Amazon.

“With a justice-seeking will, The Last Executioner is an emotional, dark, and psychotic puzzle that will not leave you indifferent. Easy to read and with big whys, this psychological thriller inspired by Nicomedes Méndez, (executioner from the late 19th, early 20th century in Barcelona), is worth it.” Goodreads.


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