The Argentine doctor who transformed and democratized surgery worldwide.
René Favaloro is the most transcendental Argentinean doctor of the 20th century for his contribution to humanity and the lives that have been saved as a result of the surgical procedure he systematized in 1967; a procedure that would transform world medicine forever with his bypass technique.
This is a journey through his life, from his origins, his training, his influences and his experiences that shows the process that delineated his way of thinking and understanding the country where he lived. It is a journey through the ups and downs that marked the life of the heart surgeon committed to guaranteeing access to highly complex medical procedures even for those who could not afford it.
Since his arrival to his country of origin (Italy) to the tragic afternoon of his suicide. Along the way, he deals with his childhood; the fanaticism he inherited from his uncle for gymnastics; his time at the Rafael Hernández National School, where he received a humanistic education from teachers such as the essayist Ezequiel Martínez Estrada, the Dominican writer Pedro Henríquez Ureña or the art critic Jorge Romero Brest; or at the University of La Plata in Argentina. There was also his ideological distance from Peronism; his time as a rural doctor in the Argentiean town of Jacinto Arauz; his settlement in the United States, where he perfected his skills as a surgeon specializing in coronary diseases at the prestigious Cleveland Clinic and established the definitive procedure for the coronary bypass, which since 1968 has saved millions of lives around the world. And, of course, his return to Argentina, where he created the foundation that bears his name and from which he tried to provide high quality medicine for all.
Like no other figure in the medical field in Argentina, the surgeon René Gerónimo Favaloro managed to exceed his academic prestige to become a public figure of the highest profile and an ethical reference for millions of people.
RELEVANT DATA: Pablo Morosi, a researcher and author of Favaloro. The Great Operator, spent two years conducting an in-depth research and more than 140 interviews that immersed him in the world of one of the most important doctors in the history of Argentina.
What the critics have said:
“A complete, detailed book about the life and vision of the great Rene Favaloro. Truly inspiring.” Amazon
“It narrates his beginnings as a rural doctor, his passion for the Foundation, his contradictory relationship with the dictatorship and democratic governments, and his tragic suicide.” Infobae (digital magazine)
“The book shows us a humanistic Favaloro, who talks about more than just medicine […] and who prioritizes education above all as a tool to overcome difficulties. He also stresses the importance of social awareness in any activity.” Amazon
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.

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