May You Find Glory Instead Of Hell | Life is a Tango | You are Guilty
In May You Find Glory Instead of Hell, Leo Martin had to be appointed Chief of the Police Sector of the same neighborhood where he was born thirty-five years ago, a peripheral and marginal neighborhood of Santa Clara. The investigation of the murder of his old “partner”, leads him to discover the thousand invisible tentacles of an underworld where all kinds of illegal traffic flourishes. An investigation carried out in twenty-four hours that takes us into the soul and the entrails of a neighborhood that has become a true protagonist and offers us, from the periphery, a subtle and vital dissection of the bureaucracy and the disarrangements of Cuban society.
In Life is a Tango,the second novel in the series starring Leo Martin, Chief of the Police Sector in a marginal neighborhood of Santa Clara, a city in the interior of Cuba, during the hardest years of the so-called Special Period. Around the neighborhood, a contraband of dark glasses of women is filmed, a merchandise apparently innocent, but which, suspiciously, provokes the deaths of young Maikel and Pedro Pechoemulo, a small-time gambler. And in the center of the story appears Tania, that girl Leo Martin, in his teenage years, cared for as a younger sister. Tania, now turned into the most insolent prostitute of the neighborhood, that monster with a thousand invisible tentacles in which everything is possible and everything is known. Again Leo Martin will have to dive into the murky waters of the same world that saw him born. Stir survival stories into his darkest and most inexhaustible backgrounds. Confront his lost illusions and with his own codes of manhood that taught them to live. And to unravel a mystery difficult to accept even for the high police hierarchies.
You are guilty is the third installment of the investigations of Leo Martin. In the neighborhood death is an everyday thing. One day, the body of a man is found murdered by hammer blows, whose investigation leads to Chago el Buey, the old mafioso barriotero. The victim is one man known as Panchita, who arrived the same day from Varadero, the paradise of prostitution and corrupt traffickers and police. Unknown by the police services of Santa Clara, but known in the neighborhood. Games of masks, buried stories, double standards: the Special Period is crazy time, and the neighborhood, a monster. And Leo Martin sees how his world is falling apart and he asks himself once again why he became a policeman in the neighborhood where he was born. He would like to settle accounts with that writer hack Lorenzo Lunar who sings rap in a fashion bar and invents paper crimes Meanwhile, the reader continues to enjoy the raw and musical prose and tragicomic poetics of one of the most voices tuned of the Latin American neopolicial.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: Lorenzo Lunar has been twice winner of the International Competition of Police Tales “Semana Negra” of Gijón.
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Film, Tv Movie, Miniserie.

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