Still The Same Man (Padres, hijos y primates) (Film/TV Series)

An out-of-control trip to paradise that culminates in outlandish violence.

Joanes’ life did not go as he expected. When he was studying Engineering, everybody said he would have a brilliant future, but it did not come true. His air conditioning company is about to go bankrupt. However, his luck could change thanks to the possibility of a very important deal. The deal is about to be closed, so the last thing he wants is to go to the Mexican Riviera Maya to attend his father-in-law’s new wedding. Once in Cancún, a hurricane separates him from his family and forces him to abandon the coast and to travel to the interior of the country in search of refuge. On the way, he meets an old university professor of his, who is also running away from the hurricane. The professor, a well-known mathematician, has a manipulative personality that invites to be suspicious of everything he says and does. Since he finished his studies, Joanes has convinced himself that the professor is to blame for his lame career. Now, held together by the hurricane in a house of a Mexican one-horse town, Joanes has the chance to settle the score with him. He now has the chance to see if his suspicion was true or only a sophisticated fantasy… even if the story has to culminate with outlandish violence.


RELEVANT INFORMATION: The novel has been highly praised by the audience and the critics: “A tense and intense novel that culminates in outlandish violence. The narrative unfolds almost cinematically – think Quentin Tarantino with a dash of Key Largo and Touch of Evil… A terrific, anxious, and disturbing read.” (Kirkus Reviews)

Throughout his career, Jon Bilbao has been recognized in numerous occasions. When he was 33 years old, he was awarded with the Premio Asturias Joven de la Consejería de Cultura, Comunicación Social y Turismo de Asturias. He was also awarded with the Premio Ojo Crítico de Narrativa, the Premio Tigre Juan and the Premio Euskadi de Literatura.



AVAILABLE LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, Greek, French.