A fascinating adventure into the secrets of the great masters.
A writer apprentice learns how to look at paintings to decipher the hidden messages of the great masters – which differ from the orthodoxy of the Catholic Church. Doctor Luis Fovel will go with the protagonist into his tour around the Prado Museum to try to investigate what artists like Rafael, Leonardo or Tiziano wanted to transmit in their creations. The expert will expose the knowledge, back then censured as heresy, which the painters wanted to portray in works like The Garden of Earthly Delights, The Triumph of Death or The Dream of Philip II.
This story is a fascinating tour around the most unknown and secret stories of one of the most important art galleries in the world, the Prado Museum.
A tour in which paintings come alive and their painters become the true protagonists of very disturbing historical events, with a plot full of surprises and unexpected turns.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: The awarded author Javier Sierra is the only contemporary Spanish author who has managed to have his novels in the Top 10 bestsellers lists in the United States. His novels and essays are translated into over 40 languages and they are published in dozens countries.
El maestro del Prado rapidly became a bestseller and stayed #1 of the bestsellers list for a long time. It is published in English, Polish and Romanian.
The critics state that this novel is a true guide for the visitors of the museum who want to see beyond what the paintings show. It is an adventure that will change the perception of art forever, and that will help the reader understand its intimate function and its meaning.
Sierra based his novel in his own casual encounter with doctor Luis Fovel in the late 90s in front of Rafael’s La Perla.
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.
AVAILABLE LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, Romanian, and Polish.

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