A corpse on the beach. A suspect from a family settled in a former insane asylum.
Antonio Trigo’s corpse appears on the beach of the small island of Or, in the north of Spain, with no apparent explanation. Mysteriously, the body has a hole in the heart. The police think the culprit is a member of the Larfeuils, a wealthy family who live at the top of the inaccessible island, in a former insane asylum turned mansion. Although none of the Larfeuils know Trigo, all the members of the family are suspects in the murder, because everything points to the fact that this is where Trigo was killed. While Inspector Pambley investigates, interrogating them one by one, Guillermo Larfeuil wonders who among them could be the murderer, for he knows that his family is plagued by lies and secrets.
At the same time, Dora, an unemployed journalist, becomes obsessed with the intriguing death, since it was her ex-father-in-law who found the body. Thus, she begins a tireless investigation to try to find the culprit. Dora will interview the inhabitants of the small northern town where everyone knows each other to find out the possible reasons behind the crime, while Guillermo will delve into his family’s past.
RELEVANT DATA: Leticia Sánchez Ruiz is a Spanish writer and journalist. Her work Winter by the North Sea (Cuando es invierno en el mar del norte) has been awarded the Cubelles Noir Award.
Leticia Sánchez Ruiz has won several awards including: the Tétrada Literaria Short Novel Award, the Emilio Alarcos International Novel Award and the Ateneo Joven de Sevilla Award. The company El Callejón del Gato staged his play Hermanas. All his works has been translated into Italian.
This story has all the elements to constitute an excellent thriller: a mysterious murder, a practically inaccessible environment with a touch of urban legends, hermetic local characters, a wealthy family with a dark secret and an investigator who has nothing to lose.
What the critics have said:
“You have all the pieces of the puzzle in front of you, Leticia takes you by the hand as she shows you each one, and yet she manages to get you to the end with your heart in a fist and your soul in suspense and, on top of that, all your theories are wrong. This novel, truly, is a masterclass in storytelling.” Goodreads
“The structure of the work unfolds in two time frames. Dora conducts her investigation over the course of several days. We will see how a series of elements grow in her that threaten to plunge her into a deep depression. In fact, the death of Antonio Trigo will keep her afloat thanks to her need of knowing something more about this stranger; why someone would take the life of such an ordinary person, with whom he was related, who his friends were. The interrogation of the Larfeuil family members takes place in a single night, but the discoveries made in one thread complement the other. The mechanism works outstandingly well and serves to grow the intrigue exponentially. What at first seems only anecdotal in the lives of Dora and Guillermo will become the center of everything and step by step it all comes together.” Goodreads
POTENCIAL AUDIOVISUAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.

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