Etiqueta: Culture

  • Fog in Tangier [Niebla en Tánger]

  • SAGA Willy Cuesta Mystery

  • The Damna Way (La vía Damna)

    Everyone can get in, but no one gets out alive. Chile, 1852. The imminent arrival of a group of mutinous soldiers at BulnesFort has unleashed chaos. … Read more

  • The Damna Way (La Vía Damna)

  • Secrets and papers trilogy (Trilogía Secretos y papeles)

    Carolina entre líneas / Vanesa entre líos / Armando entre faldas El amor se esconde donde menos te lo esperas. Carolina, una joven amante de la … Read more

  • Brown (Marrón) (TV Series)

     The search for identity when everything tells you you’re in the wrong place.   Rocío Quillahuaman was born in Lima, Peru, and at the age of … Read more

  • Love Three Delights (Amor tres delicias)

    When two worlds (literally) collide.     Nina Chou is a young woman of Chinese origin in Madrid. For some time now, Nina has been feeling … Read more

  • Uncle Bill

    A pop culture icon's time in Mexico.   The 40s. Famous writer William S. Burroughs (Bill) began his career as one of the most mythical and … Read more

  • Leopard in the Sun (Leopardo al sol) (TV Series)

    Blood is paid with blood.     Two families, the Barragán's and Monsalve's, are engaged in a bloody war. It all started when Nando Barragán murdered … Read more

  • A Mexican in Every Child (Un mexicano en cada hijo te dio)

    Beautiful and beloved Mexico is what it is today thanks to figures from its history.    There are illustrious figures who have something, or everything, to do with what is "Mexicanness" today, often relegated to the shadows of oblivion. Beyond the official history, a group of Mexicans throughout history have had the chance to influence, for better or worse, the life and culture of the country, but whom disdain has erased from memory. Heroes of flesh and blood, villains or stars that shined only to be suddenly dimmed.  Figures such as Isabel Moctezuma: the last Aztec princess; Jesús García Corona, the hero of Nacozari; Gilberto Bosques, "the Mexican Schindler"; Tezozomoc, the terrible … Read more

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