Etiqueta: Nazis

  • Hilda Krüger

    A complex investigative operation of a Nazi spy in México.   Hilda Krüger, an attractive and sophisticated German actress, starred in one of the most extravagant … Read more

  • The Nazis in México (Los nazis en México)

    A distant territory becomes Hitler’s obsession to achieve victory.   In the 1930s, Mexico becomes an obsession for Adolf Hitler. The war had not yet begun, … Read more

  • Pérák

    Czech Republic’s first superheroe. Myth or truth?   Perak had springs on his legs with which he could even jump streets. With supernatural abilities he became … Read more

  • The Nazi Code (El código nazi)

    Mexico's false neutrality in World War II.   Mexico, 1940´s. Lorenzo Blanquet is a spy and right-hand man of Secretary of Defense Lázaro Cárdenas. He accepts … Read more

  • The Lovers Under the Danube (Los amantes bajo el Banubio)

      Is there any motive more powerful than love or hate?       Budapest, 1944. The war and the Nazi occupation has brought absolute and utter chaos … Read more

  • The Last Passenger (TV Series)

    A hidden enigma. A boat full of mysteries from which you cannot escape.    In August 1939, an old coal ship finds an abandoned translatlantic in … Read more

  • The clairvoyant (El mentalista de Hitler)

    Based on a true story, in the pre-Nazi Germany, a seer predicted the fate of a country, but not his own Erick Hanussen lives in the … Read more

  • The Guilty Beast (La bestia culpable) – Original Project

    As a result of a reality show, a group of SEALS discover a man who is Hitler’s clone and is convinced of having been alive in … Read more

  • The arrival of the Gods (Llegada de los dioses)

    Julio is a young failed painter who lost his sight, so he returns to his father´s house with his girlfriend, Veronica. Felipe, Julio´s father, is a … Read more

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