Etiqueta: Organized crime

  • Los Farad (Serie TV)

  • Love Scams (Estafas amorosas)

    The womanizer seduces, convinces, and manipulates   "I'm running out of credit and won't be able to talk to my sweetheart tonight" may seem like a … Read more

  • 29 Bullets and a Love Note (29 balas y una nota de amor)

    The high-profile crime that was all over the news and that opened a profound gash in Barcelona’s police forces.   The police find a suspicious carbonized … Read more

  • The Great Silence

    Roberto Esteban was a worldwide known boxer in his youth. However, nowadays he is nothing but a manic, failed and lonely person who works as a … Read more

  • Niños de tiza

    Roberto Esteban goes back to the neighbourhood where he spent his childhood and his memories are activated: street games, lost friends, coloured chicks, the urban legend … Read more

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