Adolfo García Ortega

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Adolfo García Ortega is a Spanish writer, translator and journalist. He moved to Madrid during the last years of the Francoist dictatorship and, while he was part of the political come back of the left, he worked in different places at the same time that he was studying Spanish and French Philology.

In the decade of the 80s, he was a cultural journalist and a literary critic in prestigious publications like El País, La Vanguardia y Diario 16, as well as in many other cultural magazines of the time. He is still a regular collaborator in some national newspapers.
García Ortega worked as advisor at the Ministry of Culture of Spain. Later on, he worked as an editor at El País-Aguilar. In the year 2000 he took charge of the prestigious publishing house Seix Barral, of which he was a director until the year 2007. Nowadays, he works at Grupo Planeta as an editorial advisor.



Throughout his literary career, García Ortega has received numerous recognitions. The magazine chose one of his novels as the best historical novel of the year. He was also the winner of the Premio Dulce Chacón, the Premio de la Crítica de Castilla y León, the Pluma de Plata de la Feria del Libro de Bilbao and the Premio Samuel Haddas.
His work has had international success and it has been translated into several languages.