The real events of a crime denied for over 45 years.
The night of March 24th, 1973, three young Galician boys, Humberto, Fernando y Jorge, crossed the French border to go to Biarritz to watch the film Last Tango in Paris, forbidden in Francoist Spain. It is known that they went to a club, where a cruel destiny awaited. A group of members of ETA (Basque separatist terrorist organization) mistook them for policemen, kidnapped them, tortured them and murdered them. They were never seen again, and their bodies were never found. But in this story there was always a weak point. This novel in inspired in the real events and it tells, with meticulous authenticity, the story of that fateful encounter. With a startling narrative pulse, Adolfo García Ortega tells the story of those lives cut short, and of those who took them, while he depicts the social and political atmosphere of 1973 southern France, where the terrorists, who considered themselves the warriors of the revolution, prepared themselves to meddle in the Spanish dictatorship.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: Adolfo García Ortega is a Spanish writer and journalist. He is also a literary translator of French. He was an editor at El País-Aguilar, the director of the publishing house Seix Barral, and nowadays he works as an editorial advisor at Grupo Planeta. chose one of his novels as the best historical novel of the year. He has won the Premio Dulce Chacón, the Premio de la Crítica de Castilla y León, the Pluma de Plata de la Feria del Libro de Bilbao, and the Premio Samuel Haddas del Estado de Israel.
His works have been praised by the audience and the critique, and they have been translated into several languages.
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: Film, TV Movie, Miniseries.

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