Bárbara Montes

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency.

Bárbara Montes is a writer with a degree in Child Psychology and in Tourism. She writes both children’s books -in collaboration with Juan Gómez-Jurado- and independent novels.

As a child psychologist, she uses her studies as a subject to approach the books she writes. She worked as a marketing and communication manager for different tourist destinations and airlines until she decided to devote herself to psychology and writing.



Bárbara Montes is the author of several children’s novels, co-written with Juan Gómez-Jurado. Their latest joint creation is the new young adult thriller saga, Amanda Black, which is proving to be a great success.

She has also published her first solo novel, Julia Is Well (Julia está bien), in which she pays tribute to the figure of her own grandmother, a woman who, during the Spanish post-war period, provided information to the Republicans.