Manuel Vilas

Scenic Rights as the exclusive audiovisual co-agent of Casanovas & Lynch literary agency

Manuel Vilas (Huesca, 1962) is narrator and poet.  His voice comes from the 21st century. He is the author of the short story collection Zeta (Zed, 2002), and the novels Magia (Magic, 2004) and España (Spain, 2008), which was acclaimed by audiences and critics alike, and became a literary phenomenon rare in Spanish literature. Vilas has published the following poetry anthologies: El Cielo (Heaven, 2000), His latest works are the novels Aire Nuestro (Our air, 2009), Los inmortales (The Immortals, 2012) and El luminoso regalo (The Luminous Gift, 2013). Setecientos millones de rinocerontes (Seven Hundred Million Rhinos) is his latest book published.



Manuel Vilas has received many prizes, among which figure the XV Premio de Poesía Jaime Gil de Biedma for Resurrección (Resurrection, 2005) and the VI Premio Fray Luis de León for Calor (Heat, 2008), widely acclaimed by the critics and picked by Quimera magazine as one of the best books of 2008.