María Dueñas

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency.

María Dueñas has a PhD in English Studies and works as professor at Murcia University. She has taught at American universities, written academic essays and participated in several educational, cultural and editorial projects.

After two decades dedicated to the academic life, she enters in the literary world in 2009 when she published The Time in Between, which won several awards. Its TV Series adaptation was very successful in more than 25 countries and it became one of Spain’s most important series.

Her following works, The Heart Has its Reasons and The Seamstress kept on catching the reader and critic’s attention.



Her works have been translated to more than thirty-five languages and millions of copies were sold all throughout the world.

María Dueñas has become one of the most beloved authors both in Spain and Latin America.