May Boeken

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency.

May Boeken is a Spanish romance novelist who originally aspired to be a journalist but currently works in the marketing department of a communications company.

She admits that her foray into the literary world was prompted after “torturing” her closest friends with several unfinished stories. Since making that pivotal decision, Boeken has established herself as an up-and-coming author in the Spanish romantic literature scene.



May Boeken is highly engaged on social media, where she strives to foster a close connection with her followers. She keeps them informed about her life as an author and expands on the universe of her writings.

Her novel Tus veranos y mis inviernos (Your Summers and my Winters) has garnered significant acclaim, prompting fellow authors like Alina Not, Alessandra Neymar, María Martínez, Jon Azkueta, and Paula Ramos to recommend it through their profiles to their own followers.