They will try to protect the city and, while they’re at it, get the number of the girl of their dreams.
The Zombie, tall and strong, and Roque, a short and nerd, are childhood friends. These inseparable teenagers, somewhat marginalized, go to the same high school, and their problems are the same than those of their classmates: exams, boring lectures, sociopathic teachers, and altered hormones that get in the way of their studying. But they have yet another problem… both of them are superheroes! Electrostatic Boy and Captain Toxic!
A giant robot is attacking the area of Santa Fe and is threating to seize the whole world. This will be their first encounter with supervilain Gargantor, whose real name is Mauricio, a lonely and rich boy who has enough money to create nuclear bombs and to clone himself fifteen times.
The problem is that paranormal activities are strictly regulated by the Government. And it will be Ricardo Romero, agent of Paranormal Services and Operations, who will find The Zombie and Roque, recruit them, and keep them monitored, as he has done for decades with every teenager with metahuman abilities.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: A fresh, fun and original story set in Mexico. Although it is only a one installment story, it has a whole universe, a concept and two very well constructed main characters, which are perfect to be the protagonists of a fun TV series of several seasons.
BEF is one of the best known Mexican contemporary writers, having received awards like the Premio Nacional de Novela Otra Vuelta de Tuerca, el Premio Gijalbo, el Premio Memorial Silverio Cañada de la Semana Negra de Gijón, y el Premio Ignotus de la Asociación Española de Fantasía, Ciencia Ficción y Terror.
This graphic novel has received excellent critiques from literary blogs, which state that it is a “very Mexican way to see the face behind superheroes, and even the caricature in Mexico.”
Some readers highlight the many references to other cult comics and to pop culture in general. Although at first sight it might seem addressed to a young audience, BEF’s eloquence attracts all types of audiences, no matter their age.
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.

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