Filomeno Freijomil or Ademar de Alemcastre, two names for a same character in search of his destiny, and that uses his names depending on the place or the situation he is. The character’s duality determines his future, which is struggled between his wishes and his inherited destiny. Filomeno leaves him home to study Laws in Madrid. From there he moves to London, where he works in a bank, and then, to Paris as a correspondent for a newspaper in Portugal. The, the Spanish Civil War happens while he is living in Portugal. While Spain and Europe future is shaded. Filomeno tells his adventures: he falls in love, lives experiences which make him more mature; all decorated with a parallel story to the historical time in which he lived.
RELEVANT FACTS: Playwright, essayist, critic and prolific novelist. Gonzalo Torrente Ballester is a key author of contemporary Spanish literature. Among the many awards he received are highlighted the National Literature Prize in 1981, the Prince of Asturias Literature in 1982 and the Miguel de Cervantes, in 1985. He was also member of the Royal Spanish Academy since 1975.
AVAILABLE LANGUAGES: Spanish, Portuguese, English, French.

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