It’s Weird that My Name Is Federico (Qué raro que me llame Federico)

Two voices united in pain, those of a mother and her son.

Belén is an editor in Madrid who dreams of being a mother but, despite many attempts, has not been able to get pregnant and decides to travel to Colombia to adopt a child; Freddy, whom she will name Federico, and for whom she will become a great mom.

Years later, Federico becomes a young photographer and returns to his native country to carry out a new artistic project. Moved by the desire to learn about his origins, he will begin an exhaustive investigation about his past.

The story is told through the eyes of both characters: Belén, who tells her story in chronological order, from the days where she was a professional woman to the present day, and through the experiences of Federico, told by himself. Both narrations will come together, in a tribute to motherhood and relationships that go far beyond their bloodline.

To reconnect with his past and to separate himself from his acquired identity, Federico will have to confront his two apparently incompatible homes, the effects of migration and will have to start a new life.

Belén will learn that being a mother means letting go and that her son’s happiness doesn’t depends on her.


RELEVANT INFORMATION: Qué raro que me llame Federico (It’s Weird that My Name Is Federicois a passionate novel with deep, vulnerable, and well-defined characters that provoke a wide range of intense emotions and reflections. The novel touches on contemporary social issues such as new family models, dislocation, language and how society welcomes those who are different. The story has all the necessary elements to become a powerful audiovisual adaptation that resembles the Oscar nominated movie Lion by Garth Davis.

Yolanda Reyes is recognized both in her country and in other Latin American nations as one of the most outstanding writers of children’s novels in recent years, and she has also written novels for young adults. She has been awarded the Noveles Talentos Prize of Fundalectura, and was also granted a Literary Creation Scholarship by the Colombian Ministry of Culture.


Critics have said about the novel:

“Accurate, intelligent, and with a profound sensitivity, Yolanda Reyes exposes us to that border between love and foreignness that is in all of us.” Luis García Montero

“One of the most significant voices in contemporary Colombian literature.” Sergio Andricaín, El Nuevo Herald (Miami)

“A beautiful novel that reflects on origin, identity and the strength of family.” Rolling Stone (Colombia)

“A text that goes straight to the heart of pain, managing with a superb dexterity the past of a woman and the upbringing of her child”. María Teresa Andruetto

“Yolanda Reyes does not abandon the reader, rather, she guesses his concerns, taking him along the four seasons, in a story of love, betrayal and loyalty. This is a great novel and a great novelist.” Ramón Cote Baraibar, Piedepágina (Colombia), on Passenger in transit


AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.


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