A social, urban, and fun superheroine.
Marta Ferrer is a 54-year-old married mother who works at the Barcelona Tax Office. In her fight against breast cancer, her last radiotherapy session changes her life, as she discovers that it has given her superpowers. She can now make herself invisible at will and has superhearing. She can also fly, but only short distances because she is a bit out of shape. She decides to nickname herself “Miss Fifty”, honoring her age.
This super-heroine has a villain in her surroundings: Yolanda, the next-door neighbor, a bitter and whiny lady who will become the evil Yodaína. Miss Fifty will lead a double life, trying to hide, under her mask and her pajamas, her identity as a woman of justice with superpowers. In addition, she discovers that her kryptonite is the fear of illness: feeling that she might get sick again takes away her superpowers.
Miss Fifty is slowly learning to use her powers, getting in shape, empowering herself (literally) to resume her family and work life, while fighting crime in the streets of Barcelona.
RELEVANT DATA: Miss Fifty is written by the author for a friend who suffered from cancer. The original format of this story was a serialized weblog, which was intended to make her friend smile while she was undergoing treatment. It is reminiscent in tone of the Spanish superhero comedy El vecino, adding a female lead character with a deep conflict and transformation.
Rosa Ribas is an international bestselling author and has received the Hammett Award at the Semana Negra de Gijón and the Brigada 21 Award for Best First Crime Novel. Her works have been translated into several languages including Catalan, English, Polish, French, Italian and Catalan.
What the critics have said:
“A very funny novel with a background that makes you think about the importance of positive thoughts when everything in your life seems to go wrong. Humor to combat pain, a magnificent lesson for humanity.” Goodreads
“Miss Fifty’s superpowers are the innate powers of many women.” Las lecturas de Guillermo (literary blog)
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.

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