The international adoption of a child by a broken marriage.
Héctor, an architect and university professor in his 40s, is living with Ann, one of his students, young and attractive, who burst into his life in the middle of a marital crisis. However, a call from Julia, his ex wife, will end up in an unexpected turn of the events: they have given her the Russian child whose adoption they had requested when they were still together.
Héctor cannot find a way out the moral dilemma he now faces. On the one hand, there is Ann and her world, in which he feels like a stranger; on the other, Julia, whom he still loves and who asks him to pretend they are still married in order to facilitate the adoption of a child he no longer wants. Also, his own relationship with his father, cold and distant, makes him reluctant to the idea of paternity.
However, when he comes clean to Ann about this, and confesses her that he is sterile, she disappears. Led by the circumstances, Héctor goes to Siberia with Julia, where they face everything that adoption entails: a long stay in a rough hotel, a dangerous city, a child that does not seem to be very healthy and thousands of legal obstacles… All of it still unsure of his desire for paternity.
But then his father dies, and at the burial, Héctor meets Cristha, a German journalist who tells him about the relationship she had with his father in the past, and how he, his son, was more important to him than the love he felt for her. Héctor then embraces paternity, just like his father did with him years ago.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: Ignacio Ferrando has been awarded with the Premio de Narrativa de la UNED, the Premio Kutxa Ciudad de San Sebastián, the Premio Gabriel Aresti, the Premio NH Mario Vargas Llosa, or the Premio Hucha de Oro, among others.
What the critics have said:
“Through a subtle and well constructed work, the reader enters a moral conflict that will put Héctor’s life in check.” -(Culturamas)
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.

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