The age of 40: when paths alternate between reality and dreams.
Forty years old, the age in which one cannot keep promising oneself that when they’re older they’ll do this or that. The age in which one must accept that this is their life, period.
Stories at Forty (Cuentos a los cuarenta) is a compilation of nine stories. Eight of them narrated by different female voices that share being variant archetypes of the figure of the woman after turning forty.
Faced with a horizon without stimuli, with a future devoid of them, these characters take refuge in the past, relive and mentally complete unfulfilled desires or experiences that they could not have and that only linger in memory, while analyzing their lives already well underway.
RELEVANT DATA: Stories at Forty (Cuentos a los cuarenta) is a creation of Laura Freixas, a great example of a feminist author in current literature. In this novel, Freixas talks about topics like the famous midlife crisis, or the idea that the 40s are the new 30s, all of them from a female perspective.
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.

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