Maternity: portrait of a generation
Many women nowadays want to have children but their economic situation does not allow them to. Plenty of women between 30 and 50 have seen themselves forced to abandon their dream of being mothers for not being able to afford a child. Many others opted for alternatives as in vitro fertilization, since they had no economic stability in their most fertile years.
Women with very different lives get together to talk and contrast their experiences and positions towards maternity nowadays. Women of different ages, different social background and different ideologies star in The Empty Womb.
From the 45 year-old woman who now decide to become a mother by going to a fertility clinic, up to the woman who settled in society at a very early age, Noemí López Trujillo gathers all their testimonies, not forgetting about the women who simply reject maternity, or the ones who would love to have children but cannot.
RELEVANT DATA: The Empty belly approaches the story of several generations of women who find themselves in the universal dilemma of maternity, and takes an x-ray of its current situation.
Some of the most important national media, as TVE, Cadena Ser, El País, El diario or La Vanguardia, have hugely praised Noemí Trujillos’ work, highlighting the need of bringing to light these testimonies.
“The author could be creating a completely new journalist genre” El diario.
López Trujillo, journalist for Newtral and awarded with Gender Violence Young Journalism Award, has nourished from multiple real stories with demographist and gender studies for the writing of The Empty Womb.
The audiovisual potential of this work is wide, it could be adapted as a documentary or as fiction. As fiction, it could be adapted to comedy series such as Working Moms (Netflix), female drama taking the journey of a group of contemporary women going through the many experiences that having to make the chance of maternity entails.
going through the many experiences of a group of contemporary women.
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: Miniseries, Series TV, Film, TV Movie.

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