Etiqueta: Literature

  • Brown (Marrón) (TV Series)

     The search for identity when everything tells you you’re in the wrong place.   Rocío Quillahuaman was born in Lima, Peru, and at the age of … Read more

  • The Woman with No Name (La mujer sin nombre)

      A writer silenced by History… until now.   Stage director Noelia Cid is a hardworking, disciplined, intuitive, and highly organized woman. When she is commissioned … Read more

  • A Revolver to Carry at Night (Un revólver para salir de noche)

    Lolita made him eternally famous but it was Vera Nabokov to whom Vladimir really owes his success. Vera Nabokov conscious of sharing her life with an … Read more

  • Roses from Stalin (Las rosas de Stalin)

    My name is Svetlana Alliluyeva. I was born on February 28, 1926. My father died in 1953. His name was Joseph Stalin.  Stalin’s favorite, his only … Read more

  • The Intruder (La intrusa)

    An intimate portrait of Dalí’s muse.   Gala Dalí was a woman who wished to be secretive. Although the men with whom she shared her life … Read more

  • The Grammar of Love (La gramática del amor)

    The grammar of love is studied with the heart.   Irene is a nice, intelligent girl who loves to read. After her parent’s divorce she is … Read more

  • Kafka and the Traveling Doll (Kafka y la muñeca viajera)

    A little girl loses her doll and Kafka convinces her that it’s on vacation.     A year before his death, Franz Kafka lived a very … Read more

  • Supersaurus (Supersaurio)

    The best portrait of the millennial generation.       "I was born in the '90s and grew up in the 2000s. I've survived a lot … Read more

  • Uncle Bill

    A pop culture icon's time in Mexico.   The 40s. Famous writer William S. Burroughs (Bill) began his career as one of the most mythical and … Read more

  • My Crazy Grandmother (Mi abuela, la loca)

      An eccentric grandmother and her poet grandson.   Vicente's parents have a new job, and since he is only 10 years old, they must drop … Read more

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