Etiqueta: Paternity

  • The teacher (La profesora)

  • Los parques de atracciones también cierran

  • Just Smoke (Solo humo)

  • Scrolling After Sex

    Hacerse adulto en el siglo XXI Scrolling After Sex es el retrato de la generación millenial. A través de mensajes de texto, notas del móvil o … Read more

  • Official love story (Historia oficial del amor)

    Colombia, contada a través de una historia de amor familiar.   Con este best-seller, Ricardo Silva Romero nos cuenta su historia familiar. Su destino, su karma y su … Read more

  • Getting to know each other again (Volver a conocernos)

    About what we gain while we’re losing it all.   Hugo, a seven-year-old boy, is going through the worst moment of his life: his parents —whose … Read more

  • The last explorer (El último explorador)

    The adventures of a time travelling explorer and his first encounter with his daughter, Lluvia   The Last Explorer tells the tale of Horacio Kustos, an … Read more

  • The nearly girl

    A fun and romantic thriller that explores the singularities of the human spirit.       Henry is poet who is addicted to LSD and lives according … Read more

  • Roses from Stalin (Las rosas de Stalin)

    My name is Svetlana Alliluyeva. I was born on February 28, 1926. My father died in 1953. His name was Joseph Stalin.  Stalin’s favorite, his only … Read more

  • Strokes of Light (Golpes de luz)

    Endearing and wild.     Julia is a journalist in her forties who decides to move with her son Sebas to her hometown in Galicia. She … Read more

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