Etiqueta: Prison

  • 155, Simon Radowitzky

    A fierce struggle for ideals.                                               Simón Radowitzky, a young Ukrainian anarchist, fled in 1908 from Russian repression to take refuge in Argentina. Soon after settling … Read more

  • Prisons, Whores and Guns (De prisiones, putas y pistolas)

    Divide and conquer: The great strategy to put an end to ETA.   In the early morning of December 2nd, 1991, Cadena SER broadcasted an exclusive: … Read more

  • Death on a Playing Card (La muerte en un naipe)

    Nine victims, a deck of cards, and a criminal who is just playing for fun.   On January 24th, 2003, Alfredo Galán Sotillo leaves his house … Read more

  • A Sensitive Subject (Un asunto sensible)

    Three Cuban stories of crime and betrayal. The emotionally thrilling true crime story and its trial that struck the Cuban society and negatively shifted their opinion … Read more

  • Filek, the Scammer who Deceived Franco (Filek, el estafador que engañó a Franco)

    The true story of the scammer who deceived Franco with a formula capable of turning water into fuel. 1939´s famished Spain was on the verge of … Read more

  • The Teenage Years (La edad de la Punzada)

    The story of the worst student in school history. The Teenage Years follows Xavier during his adolescence. It starts when, at the age of 13, he … Read more

  • Ways of living (Maneras de vivir)

    The rise and fall of a rock star, and the wonderful second opportunities. This is the extraordinary story of a dysfunctional family who has to go … Read more

  • The Lies Saga (Saga Mentira) (TV Series)

    The beautiful story about three teenagers who were forced to grow up. Xenia is a 16-year-old girl with a structured, accommodated life, great parents and strong … Read more

  • Police Genre (Género policial) – An Original TV Series Project

    A politically incorrect story about people who have to learn to be exactly the opposite. Vicky is a rebel with a cause, feminist, strong LGBT rights … Read more

  • The Happiest Place on Earth (El lugar más feliz del mundo)

    An extraordinary trip to the extremes of the human condition. Through the experience obtained for more than 15 years working as reporter in Asia, David Jiménez … Read more

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