The weaker sex has gone to the gym (El sexo débil ha hecho gimnasia)

This story, with sense of humor, recounts the integration of women into civil society, first, in the first half of the 19th century, then, in the second half of the 20th century. The love affairs and problems of an aunt and her nieces, belonging to the middle-class in 1846, happen again a hundred years later in a similar family, but with different outcomes: this second time, women take the lead. The stories and main plots are focused around the romantic lives of women of the same family: the inconveniencies created by boyfriends, fiancées, lovers, etc.


RELEVANT FACTS: The potential of this story corresponds to the dramedy type of TV Series, where every plot would be treated from the point of view of two groups of women a hundred years apart. Updating the present nucleus to our days, there would be a contrast with customs and manners of the time. Moreover, the bi-nuclei idea a hundred years apart serves as an excuse to see the evolution on the fight for gender equality. A family comedy that would deal with emancipating women’s struggles and at the same time with the humor of temporal differences in women from now and then. Besides, the richness of the different characters would make the public’s identification much easier. In the end, The weaker sex has gone to the gym has an incredible richness of characters and many situations hinted throughout the play can be used as main plots in the series. On the other hand, the characters of both feminine nuclei should be played by the same actresses.

Jardiel Poncela is one of the most important authors of the twentieth century despite his short life, winner of the most prestigious decorations for dramaturgy and literature written in Spanish. His works continue today on the most important theaters in Europe and Latin America, his novels continue to be reprinted in many countries and have been taken to cinema with great success.




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