Etiqueta: Dictatorship
Don’t ask for anything (No pidas nada)
King Corp. El imperio nunca contado de Juan Carlos I
The silenced ones (Los silenciados)
Those who whisper under the ground (Los que susurran bajo la tierra)
When darkness lives inside you, the only escape is to give in to it. Chile, summer of 1979. Raimundo de la Cruz Leyton is eight years […]
The wars of General Omar Torrijos. (Las guerras del general Omar Torrijos) (Film)
General Omar Torrijos' legacy. General Omar Torrijos Herrera, a national-progressive dictator, "convicted, sworn and converted", as he defined himself, led the Panamanian nation for ten […]
Roses from Stalin (Las rosas de Stalin)
My name is Svetlana Alliluyeva. I was born on February 28, 1926. My father died in 1953. His name was Joseph Stalin. Stalin’s favorite, his only […]
The School of the Americas (La escuela de las Américas) (TV Series)
The facility that produced murderers. The School of the Americas (SOA) is the U.S. Army's training center founded in 1946. Hidden in plain sight in […]
A Communist in Underwear (Un comunista en calzoncillos)
For the first time ever, he had to be careful about what he could and couldn't say Summer of 1976, Argentina. In this year characterized […]
The Happiest Place on Earth (El lugar más feliz del mundo)
An extraordinary trip to the extremes of the human condition. Through the experience obtained for more than 15 years working as reporter in Asia, David Jiménez […]
On the rock (En la roca)
This story places us at the midpoint of the Spanish Civil War and narrates the lives of Guy Burguess and Kim Philby, two spies with a […]