Etiqueta: Disability

  • The list of impossible things (La lista de las cosas imposibles)

    Aprendiendo a vivir la vida que nunca imaginaron.   Cuando Guim dejó a Clara, poco antes de que cumplieran los dieciocho años, lo hizo con la … Read more

  • Yell Quietly, Bro (Rvi potichu, brácho)

    A realistic yet beautiful loving story about the everyday life of a severely autistic boy and his family.    Fourteen-year-old Pamela lives with her mother and … Read more

  • Beloved Monster (Amado monstruo)

      Your monsters are closer than you think.     Juan D., a 30-year-old man, seeks to enter the job market for the first time, a … Read more

  • Piece by Piece (Pieza a pieza)(Film)

    The story of a boy who built himself.   “Diversity is in the very nature of being human. We are all different and we need to … Read more

  • Subsoil (Subsuelo) (TV Series)

    What is not said, what is not known, what is hidden.   Summer. A property in the middle of a valley, with a country house and … Read more

  • The Cross Saga (Saga Cross)

    A beautiful story about friendship, love and overcoming seen through the eyes of a guide dog. Cross is a happy and naughty guide dog. Mario is … Read more

  • The arrival of the Gods (Llegada de los dioses)

    Julio is a young failed painter who lost his sight, so he returns to his father´s house with his girlfriend, Veronica. Felipe, Julio´s father, is a … Read more

  • The concert at Saint Ovide (El concierto de San Ovidio)

    Probably the best and most moving play by Buero Vallejo In the years that preceded the French Revolution, there was a hospice for the blind and … Read more

  • In the burning darkness (En la ardiente oscuridad)

    In a learning institution for blind people, a group of sightless friends live together and seem to be happy. To this place comes Ignacio, who begins … Read more

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