Etiqueta: Policy
Loving Pablo, Hating Escobar (Amando a Pablo, odiando a Escobar)
The palace of justice (El palacio de justicia)
King Corp. El imperio nunca contado de Juan Carlos I
Diversity is a strenght (La diversidad es una fortaleza)
The silenced ones (Los silenciados)
The Last Wagon (El último vagón) (Film)
Available on Netflix An ode to teachers who, totally committed to their jobs, are capable of doing whatever necessary for the sake of education and their […]
Sand Promises (Promesas de arena) (TV Series)
Available on TVE A la carta Lucía just finished her degree and travels to Palestine as a cooperator in a NGO. She is filled with excitement […]
Pierced by the Sun (A Lupita le gustaba planchar) (Serie TV)
Sobrevivir será su misión. Lupita es una policía mexicana a la que le gusta planchar, tejer, bordar y bailar, cosas cotidianas que la mantienen arraigada a […]
A Corpse in Congress (Un cadáver en el Congreso)
Podemos: from “yes we can”, to “we don’t want to”. In 2014, a group of young people managed to inspire left-wing voters with promises of […]