Etiqueta: Revolution
The Inhabited Woman (La mujer habitada)
Las soldaderas
Bad decisions (Malas decisiones) (Podcast)
Está en búsqueda y captura… ahora tiene que averiguar por qué. Miranda tiene 25 años y no tiene aspiraciones. Es amable, sociable y simpática, pero […]
The hidden life of Fidel Castro (La vida oculta de Fidel Castro)
THE HIDDEN LIFE OF FIDEL CASTRO Juan Reinaldo Sánchez y Axel Gyldén His bodyguard uncovers all the secrets of the Cuban leader Fidel Castro […]
Official love story (Historia oficial del amor)
Colombia, contada a través de una historia de amor familiar. Con este best-seller, Ricardo Silva Romero nos cuenta su historia familiar. Su destino, su karma y su […]
The wars of General Omar Torrijos. (Las guerras del general Omar Torrijos) (Film)
General Omar Torrijos' legacy. General Omar Torrijos Herrera, a national-progressive dictator, "convicted, sworn and converted", as he defined himself, led the Panamanian nation for ten […]
Tequila effect (Efecto tequila)
A former spy returns to save a country. Elvis Alezcano, known among his colleagues as "Hendrix's Guitar," is a former agent of the Federal Security […]
The Intruder (La intrusa)
An intimate portrait of Dalí’s muse. Gala Dalí was a woman who wished to be secretive. Although the men with whom she shared her life […]
The Correspondant (El corresponsal)
He will put his life at risk for the love of the truth. Miguel Bravo is a young journalist who has always wanted to […]